

IDE/Plugin Description
Atom TTS Plugin The official Tabletop Simulator IDE, an Atom plugin.
Luanalysis Jetbrains IntelliJ plugin for statically typed Lua with TTS API types.
Generic IDE TTS Standalone connector to TTS. Integrates well with Jetbrains IntelliJ.
VSCode TTS Extension Extension for VSCode, similar to Atom’s + new features.


Utility/Tool Description
Lua Debugging Support A version of MoonSharp modified to enable debugging of TTS mods.

Companion Software

Software Description
tts-proxy A Heroku app for proxying web requests into standard HTTP (custom header support etc.) Works with ge_tts.

Advanced Tools

Utilities/tools to improve the mod development experience.

Utility/Tool Description
luabundler A command-line Lua bundler (require() support)
tabletop-tools A tool for converting savegames to a directory hierarchy, which enables storing them in a VCS and editing outside of tabletop simulator.
TTSModManager A tool for converting savegames to a directory hierarchy, highlights are bundling and github automation.
