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Web Request

The static global WebRequest class allows you to interact with the web via get, post and put. This is a more advanced feature that allows you to store/retrieve data to/from an external database.

Example Usage:WebRequest.get(, self, webRequestCallback)

Member Variables

Like Object member variables, WebRequests have their own member variables.

A WebRequest is returned as part of a function, and these member variables are how your access its information.

Variable Description Type
download_progress Download percentage, represented as a value from 0-1.
error Error text.
is_error If there is an error with the WebRequest.
is_done If the WebRequest has finished.
text Returned data.
upload_progress Upload percentage, represented as a value from 0-1.
url The targeted URL.

Function Summary

All functions return a WebRequest.

Function Name Description  
get( url,  callback_function) Get data from the current URL.
post( url,  form,  callback_function) Post the form to the URL.
put( url,  data,  callback_function) Post the data to the URL.

Function Details


Get data from the current URL.

get(url, callback_function)

  • url: The url to pull data from.
  • callback_function: The function that will be triggered
    • Optional, but you will get no data back from the get if it isn't used.
function onLoad()
    print("Web Request Called")
    WebRequest.get("", function(a) webRequestCallback(a) end)

function webRequestCallback(webReturn)
    print("Web Request Returned")


Post the form to the URL.

post(url, form, callback_function)

  • url: The url to pull post to.
  • form: The form of data to post.
  • callback_function: The function that will be triggered
    • Optional, but you will get no data back from the get if it isn't used.


Post the data to the URL.

put(url, data, callback_function)

  • url: The url to pull post to.
  • data: The data string to post.
  • callback_function: The function that will be triggered
    • Optional, but you will get no data back from the get if it isn't used.