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The Wait class is a static global class which deals with triggering a specified function after some form of delay. It is how you can add pauses into your code while you wait for something, like waiting for a deck to finish forming after using putObject.

Example usage: Wait.frames(functionName, 60)


This is the first Class to use functions as parameters. To help, detailed examples are included for each usage. For more details, you can check out the Function section of the Introduction page.

Function Summary

Function Name Description Return  
condition( toRunFunc,  conditionFunc,  timeout,  timeoutFunc) Activates a function when a given function returns true or activates a different function if a timeout occurs.
frames( toRunFunc,  frameCount) Activates a function after a set number of frames.
stop( id) Stops a currently running Wait function.
time( toRunFunc,  time,  repetitions) Activates a function after a set amount of time has passed.

Function Details


 Activates a function when a given function returns true or activates a different function if a timeout occurs.

The returned value is an ID which can be used with stop to cancel the function at any time.

condition(toRunFunc, conditionFunc, timeout, timeoutFunc)

  • toRunFunc: The function to activate once the condition is met.
  • conditionFunc: The function that is watched until it returns true.
  • timeout: The amount of time, in seconds, before this function gives up checking the condition function.
    • Optional, defaults to never timing out.
  • timeoutFunc: The function that that triggers if the timeout amount is met.
    • Optional, defaults to no function being triggered if a timeout happens.

Example without a timeout:

--Watches a die until it comes to rest, then print its result
function onLoad()
    --Roll a die, using its GUID
    local die = getObjectFromGUID("555555")

    --Function that will be watched until it becomes true
    local rollWatch = function() return die.resting end
    --Function that will be run once the above condition becomes true
    local rollEnd = function() print(die.getRotationValue()) end

    --Plug those two functions into the Wait function
    Wait.condition(rollEnd, rollWatch)

Example with a timeout, written differently:

--Watches a die until it comes to rest, then print its result
function onLoad()
    --Roll a die, using its GUID
    local die = getObjectFromGUID("a5b5ac")

    --Activate the wait condition, passing parameters to exterior functions
        function() printResult(die.getRotationValue()) end,
        function() return checkResting(die) end,
        function() printResult("Too Slow!") end

--Prints the roll result, runs when wait condition is met
--It is also used in case of timeout to print that timeout message.
function printResult(number)

--Checks if the object is resting
function checkResting(target)
    return target.resting


 Activates a function after a set number of frames. The amount of time this takes is based off the Host's FPS. The higher their FPS, the faster this will trigger.

The returned value is an ID which can be used with stop to cancel the function at any time.

frames(toRunFunc, frameCount)

  • toRunFunc: The function to activate once the condition is met.
  • frameCount: The number of frames to wait before activating the above function.
function onLoad()
    --Built-in functions with parameters can be called directly
    --This is done by wrapping the function within `function()` and `end`
    Wait.frames(function() print("One") end, 60)

    --You can also call custom functions you have made yourself
    --Pass them any parameters you wish
    Wait.frames(function() sayTwo("Two") end, 120)

    --If you aren't passing any parameters to the function, you can shorten it
    Wait.frames(sayThree, 180)

--Has its parameter passed to it
function sayTwo(s) print(s) end

--Does not have any parameters passed to it
function sayThree() print("Three") end


 Stops a currently running Wait function. The only way to obtain these ID numbers is to get them from the return value of a Wait function.


  • id: The index number assigned by the game to every Wait function (besides stop).
function onLoad()
    --This would print the message after 5 seconds
    id = Wait.time(function() print("This won't print") end, 5)
    --Except it is stopped immediately


 Activates a function after a set amount of time has passes.

The returned value is an ID which can be used with stop to cancel the function at any time.

time(toRunFunc, time)

  • toRunFunc: The function to activate once the amount of time has passed.
  • time: The amount of time before the function is triggered.
  • repetitions: Number of times the timer will be repeated.
    • Optional, defaults to 0.
    • Using -1 causes it to loop indefinitely unless stopped.

Example (basic usage):

function onLoad()
    Wait.time(|| print("One"), 1)

    Wait.time(function() saySomething("Two") end, 2)

    Wait.time(sayThree, 3)

function saySomething(something)

function sayThree()