By nesting elements within layouts/groupings, you are able to easily group elements together in-game. It allows for adjusting/moving them together, uniform padding and additional visual flair possibilities.
Each layout element has its own attributes specific to its type. Additionally, elements within a layout are subject to common common layout element attributes.
Element Summary
Layout Summary
Element Name |
Description |
<Panel></Panel> |
A "window" in which elements can be confined. |
<HorizontalLayout></HorizontalLayout> |
A horizontal row of elements. |
<VerticalLayout></VerticalLayout> |
A vertical column of elements. |
<GridLayout></GridLayout> |
A grid of elements. |
<TableLayout></TableLayout> |
A layout element based on HTML tables, allowing you to specify the position of elements in specific rows/columns. |
<Row></Row> |
A row within a TableLayout. |
<Cell></Cell> |
A cell within a TableLayout. |
Element Name |
Description |
<HorizontalScrollView></HorizontalScrollView> |
A scrollable horizontal row of elements. |
<VerticalScrollView></VerticalScrollView> |
A scrollable vertical column of elements. |
Layout Element Details
Layout Details
A "window" in which elements can be confined.
Attribute Name |
Description |
Type / Options |
Default Value |
padding |
Specifies the padding for this panel. Please note that if padding is specified, the panel will function as a LayoutGroup (which it does not do by default). |
float(left) float(right) float(top) float(bottom) |
(none) |
<Text>Text contained within Panel</Text>
A horizontal row of elements.
Attribute Name |
Description |
Type / Options |
Default Value |
padding |
float(left) float(right) float(top) float(bottom) |
0 0 0 0 |
spacing |
Spacing between child elements. |
float |
0 |
childAlignment |
- UpperLeft
- UpperCenter
- UpperRight
- MiddleLeft
- MiddleCenter
- MiddleRight
- LowerLeft
- LowerCenter
- LowerRight
UpperLeft |
childForceExpandWidth |
true |
childForceExpandHeight |
true |
<Button>Button One</Button>
<Button>Button Two</Button>
<Button>Button Three</Button>
A vertical column of elements.
Attribute Name |
Description |
Type / Options |
Default Value |
padding |
float(left) float(right) float(top) float(bottom) |
0 0 0 0 |
spacing |
Spacing between child elements. |
float |
0 |
childAlignment |
- UpperLeft
- UpperCenter
- UpperRight
- MiddleLeft
- MiddleCenter
- MiddleRight
- LowerLeft
- LowerCenter
- LowerRight
UpperLeft |
childForceExpandWidth |
true |
childForceExpandHeight |
true |
<Button>Button One</Button>
<Button>Button Two</Button>
<Button>Button Three</Button>
A grid of elements.
Attribute Name |
Description |
Type / Options |
Default Value |
padding |
float(left) float(right) float(top) float(bottom) |
0 0 0 0 |
spacing |
Spacing between child elements |
float(x) float(y) |
0 0 |
cellSize |
float(x) float(y) |
100 100 |
startCorner |
- UpperLeft
- UpperRight
- LowerLeft
- LowerRight
UpperLeft |
startAxis |
Horizontal |
childAlignment |
- UpperLeft
- UpperCenter
- UpperRight
- MiddleLeft
- MiddleCenter
- MiddleRight
- LowerLeft
- LowerCenter
- LowerRight
UpperLeft |
constraint |
- Flexible
- FixedColumnCount
- FixedRowCount
Flexible |
constraintCount |
integer |
2 |
<Button>Button One</Button>
<Button>Button Two</Button>
<Button>Button Three</Button>
A layout element based on HTML tables, allowing you to specify the position of elements in specific rows/columns.
Attribute Name |
Description |
Type / Options |
Default Value |
padding |
float(left) float(right) float(top) float(bottom) |
0 0 0 0 |
cellSpacing |
Spacing between each cell. |
float |
0 |
columnWidths |
(Optional) Explicitly set the width of each column. Use a value of 0 to auto-size a specific column. |
float list - e.g. '32 0 0 32' |
(none) |
automaticallyAddColumns |
If more cells are added to a row than are accounted for by columnWidths, should this TableLayout automatically add one or more new auto-sized entries (0) to columnWidths? |
true |
automaticallyRemoveEmptyColumns |
If there are more entries in columnWidths than there are cells in any row, should this TableLayout automatically remove entries from columnWidths until their are no 'empty' columns? |
true |
autoCalculateHeight |
If set to true, then the height of this TableLayout will automatically be calculated as the sum of each rows preferredHeight value. This option cannot be used without explicitly sized rows. |
false |
useGlobalCellPadding |
If set to true, then all cells will use this TableLayout's cellPadding value. |
true |
cellPadding |
Padding for each cell. |
float(left) float(right) float(top) float(bottom) |
0 0 0 0 |
cellBackgroundImage |
Image to use as the background for each cell. |
string |
cellBackgroundColor |
Color for each cells background. |
rgba(1,1,1,0.4) |
rowBackgroundImage |
Image to use as the background for each row. |
string |
rowBackgroundColor |
Color to use for each rows background. |
clear |
<!-- Row 1 -->
<Cell><Button>Button One</Button></Cell>
<Cell><Button>Button Two</Button></Cell>
<!-- Row 2 -->
<Cell><Button>Button One</Button></Cell>
<Cell><Button>Button Three</Button></Cell>
A row within a TableLayout.
Attribute Name |
Description |
Type / Options |
Default Value |
preferredHeight |
Sets the height for this row. Use a value of '0' to specify that this row should be auto-sized. |
float |
0 |
dontUseTableRowBackground |
If set to true, then this row will ignore the tables' rowBackgroundImage and rowBackgroundColor values, allowing you to override those values for this row. |
false |
A cell within a TableLayout.
Attribute Name |
Description |
Type / Options |
Default Value |
columnSpan |
__ |
int |
1 |
dontUseTableCellBackground |
If set to true, then this cell will ignore the tables' cellBackgroundImage and values, allowing you to override those values for this cell. |
false |
overrideGlobalCellPadding |
If set to true, then this cell will ignore the tables' cellPadding value, allowing you to set unique cell padding for this cell. |
false |
padding |
Padding values to use for this cell if overrideGlobalCellPadding is set to true. |
float(left) float(right) float(top) float(bottom) |
0 0 0 0 |
childForceExpandWidth |
true |
childForceExpandHeight |
true |
A scrollable horizontal row of elements. This is an input element.
A layout element such as a Panel, HorizontalLayout, GridLayout, or TableLayout can be used to position child elements within the Scroll View.
Attribute Name |
Description |
Type / Options |
Default Value |
onValueChanged |
When a selection is made, its name is sent to a function with this name. |
string |
(none) |
horizontal |
true |
vertical |
false |
movementType |
- Unrestricted
- Elastic
- Clamped
Clamped |
elasticity |
float |
0.1 |
inertia |
true |
decelerationRate |
float |
0.135 |
scrollSensitivity |
float |
1 |
horizontalScrollbarVisibility |
- Permanent
- AutoHide
- AutoHideAndExpandViewport
AutoHide |
verticalScrollbarVisibility |
- Permanent
- AutoHide
- AutoHideAndExpandViewport
(none) |
noScrollbars |
If set to true, then this scroll view will have no visible scrollbars. |
false |
scrollbarBackgroundColor |
scrollbarColors |
#FFFFFF|#FFFFFF|#C8C8C8|rgba(0.78,0.78,0.78,0.5) |
scrollbarImage |
string |
A scrollable vertical column of elements. This is an input element.
A layout element such as a Panel, HorizontalLayout, GridLayout, or TableLayout can be used to position child elements within the Scroll View.
Attribute Name |
Description |
Type / Options |
Default Value |
onValueChanged |
When a selection is made, its name is sent to a function with this name. |
string |
(none) |
horizontal |
false |
vertical |
true |
movementType |
- Unrestricted
- Elastic
- Clamped
Clamped |
elasticity |
float |
0.1 |
inertia |
true |
decelerationRate |
float |
0.135 |
scrollSensitivity |
float |
1 |
horizontalScrollbarVisibility |
- Permanent
- AutoHide
- AutoHideAndExpandViewport
(none) |
verticalScrollbarVisibility |
- Permanent
- AutoHide
- AutoHideAndExpandViewport
AutoHide |
noScrollbars |
If set to true, then this scroll view will have no visible scrollbars. |
false |
scrollbarBackgroundColor |
scrollbarColors |
#FFFFFF|#FFFFFF|#C8C8C8|rgba(0.78,0.78,0.78,0.5) |
scrollbarImage |
string |