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Input Elements

All input elements allow for the XML UI to interact with the Lua scripts in the game instance.


Be sure to check out the UI section of the Lua Scripting API for how to receive the input from these element types. With Lua scripting, you can even modify the UI elements!

Targeting Triggers

When using an attribute that triggers scripting, like onValueChanged or onClick, the UI will target a default location. Global UI targets Global script, Object UI targets the Object's script. This behavior can be overwritten. For example:

<Button onClick="uiClickFunc">Click Me</Button>
If this was in the Global UI, this would trigger a function in the Global Lua script function uiClickFunc(). But if you want to target a function on an Object's script? Place the GUID for the object before the function name, like so:
<Button onClick="aaa111/uiClickFunc">Click Me</Button>
Now when the button is clicked, it will still try to activate function uiClickFunc() but it will try to do so on the Object Lua script of the Object with the GUID of "aaa111".
<Button onClick="Global/uiClickFunc">Click Me</Button>
And if this was in an Object's UI, it would direct the function activation to Global instead of that Object.

Remember you can also use the Id attribute to identify which UI element triggered the function.

Element Summary

Element Name Description  
<InputField></InputField> A text input for single or multiple lines. Is able to send the text (during edit and when finished).
<Button></Button> A button. Is able to send a trigger event.
<Toggle></Toggle> A simple on/off toggle. Is able to send on/off status.
<ToggleButton></ToggleButton> A toggle, but styled as a button.
<ToggleGroup></ToggleGroup> Allows a group of toggles to act as a radio button, where only 1 of them can be "checked" at once.
<Slider></Slider> A value slider. Is able to send Value.
<Dropdown></Dropdown> A dropdown menu. Is able to send the contents of the selection made in it.

Element Details


A text input for single or multiple lines. Is able to send the text (during edit and when finished).

Attribute Name                       Description                                  Type / Options                       Default Value      
onValueChanged Each time the text is changed, a Lua function with this name will be triggered. string (none)
onEndEdit When the input box is deselected, a Lua function with this name will be triggered. string (none)
text The string in the text box, if any. Is the value sent to onValueChanged's or onEndEdit's function. string (none)
placeholder A string that is semi-visible when there is no text in the input. string (none)
interactable true
colors #FFFFFF|#FFFFFF|#C8C8C8|rgba(0.78,0.78,0.78,0.5)
  • SingleLine
  • MultiLineSubmit
  • MultiLineNewLine
  • None
  • Integer
  • Decimal
  • Alphanumeric
  • Name
  • EmailAddress
caretBlinkRate float 0.85
caretWidth float 1
caretColor #323232
selectionColor rgba(0.65,0.8,1,0.75)
readOnly false
textColor #323232
characterLimit int 0 (no limit)


<InputField>Default Text</InputField>


A button. Is able to send a trigger event.

Attribute Name                       Description                                  Type / Options                       Default Value      
onClick When clicked, a Lua function with this name will be triggered. string (none)
interactable true
colors #FFFFFF|#FFFFFF|#C8C8C8|rgba(0.78,0.78,0.78,0.5)
textShadow (none)
textOutline (none)
  • UpperLeft
  • UpperCenter
  • UpperRight
  • MiddleLeft
  • MiddleCenter
  • MiddleRight
  • LowerLeft
  • LowerCenter
  • LowerRight
icon string (none)
iconWidth float
  • Left
  • Right
padding float float float float 0 0 0 0
  • None
  • ColorTint
  • SpriteSwap
  • Animation
highlightedSprite string
pressedSprite string
disabledSprite string


<!-- Standard Button -->
<Button>Button Text</Button>
<!-- Button with Icon -->
<Button icon="SomeName" />
<!-- Button with Icon and Text -->
<Button icon="SomeName">Button With Icon</Button>


onClick passes nil for the value by default. However, you can assign a string that will be passed in onClick.

<Button onClick="clickFunction(stringName)" />

The above example passes a string with the name of "stringName" to the Lua function for the value property.


A simple on/off toggle. Is able to send on/off status.

Attribute Name                       Description                                  Type / Options                       Default Value      
onValueChanged When toggled, a Lua function with this name will be triggered. string (none)
interactable true
textColor #000000
colors #FFFFFF|#FFFFFF|#C8C8C8|rgba(0.78,0.78,0.78,0.5)
isOn If the toggle is "on" or not. Is the value sent to onValueChanged's function. false


<Toggle>Toggle Text</Toggle>
<!-- Toggle which is selected by default -->
<Toggle isOn="true">Toggle Text</Toggle>


A toggle, but styled as a button.

Attribute Name                       Description                                  Type / Options                       Default Value      
onValueChanged When toggled, a Lua function with this name will be triggered. string (none)
interactable true
textColor #000000
colors #FFFFFF|#FFFFFF|#C8C8C8|rgba(0.78,0.78,0.78,0.5)
isOn If the toggle is "on" or not. Is the value sent to onValueChanged's function. false
textShadow (none)
textOutline (none)
  • UpperLeft
  • UpperCenter
  • UpperRight
  • MiddleLeft
  • MiddleCenter
  • MiddleRight
  • LowerLeft
  • LowerCenter
  • LowerRight
icon string (none)
iconWidth float
  • Left
  • Right
padding float float float float 0 0 0 0
<ToggleButton>Toggle Button Text</Toggle>


Allows a group of toggles to act as a radio button, where only 1 of them can be "checked" at once. Works with Toggle or ToggleButton

Attribute Name                       Description                                  Type / Options                       Default Value      
allowSwitchOff If this is set to true, then the user may clear their selection from within the ToggleGroup by clicking on the selected Toggle. false
toggleBackgroundImage Sets the default background image to use for nested Toggle elements. string
toggleBackgroundColor #FFFFFF
toggleSelectedImage Sets the default image to use for selected (checked) nested Toggle elements. string
toggleSelectedColor #FFFFFF
        <Toggle>Toggle A</Toggle>
        <Toggle>Toggle B</Toggle>
        <Toggle>Toggle C</Toggle>

        <ToggleButton>ToggleButton A</ToggleButton>
        <ToggleButton>ToggleButton B</ToggleButton>
        <ToggleButton>ToggleButton C</ToggleButton>


A value slider. Is able to send Value.

Attribute Name                       Description                                  Type / Options                       Default Value      
onValueChanged When the slider is moved, a Lua function with this name will be triggered. (rapidly) string (none)
interactable true
colors #FFFFFF|#FFFFFF|#C8C8C8|rgba(0.78,0.78,0.78,0.5)
minValue float 0
maxValue float 1
value The value currently selected. Is the value sent to onValueChanged's function. float 0
wholeNumbers false
  • LeftToRight
  • RightToLeft
  • TopToBottom
  • BottomToTop
backgroundColor (none)
fillColor (none)
fillImage string
handleColor (none)
handleImage string


<Slider minValue="0" maxValue="1" value="0.5" />

A dropdown menu. Is able to send the contents of the selection made in it.

Attribute Name                       Description                                  Type / Options                       Default Value      
onValueChanged When an option is selected, a Lua function with this name will be triggered. string (none)
text The string in the text box, if any. Is the value sent to onValueChanged's or onEndEdit's function. string (none)
interactable true
textColor #000000
itemBackgroundColors #FFFFFF
itemTextColor #000000
checkColor #000000
checkImage string
arrowColor #000000
arrowImage string
dropdownBackgroundColor #000000
dropdownBackgroundImage string
scrollbarImage string
itemHeight float


 <Dropdown id="Selection" onValueChanged="optionSelected">
    <Option selected="true">Option 1</Option>
    <Option>Option 2</Option>
    <Option>Option 3</Option>
    <Option>Option 4</Option>
 function optionSelected(player, option, id)
    print(player.steam_name .. " selected: " .. option)