Type refers to the type of information being used. You do not need to declare a type in Lua, but in this API you will see them indicated. This is only so you know what kind of information is required in a given variable/parameter. This API utilizes the following types.
Common Standards
You will also see tags for Color, Vector, and Function. See below for more info.
For more information on a type, you can read below or refer to the relevant Lua documentation.
Special Standards
Some types need to be used in specific ways. For Color and Vector, they are Tables that are used often in Tabletop Simulator. They represent Vectors and Colors, and their contents must be formatted a certain way to be utilized correctly.
For Functions, they are used when a delay is required within a running script that have specific requirements.
Color is a type of Table that is used to define RGB values for tinting.
The Table will contain the keys r
, g
, b
, a
and/or 1
, 2
, 3
, 4
. The letter and numeric keys are duplicates of each other, and each represents a color or transparency.
Color | Letter Key | Number Key |
red | r | 1 |
green | g | 2 |
blue | b | 3 |
alpha | a | 4 |
As an example, an Object with a white color tint would return this table:
{ r=1, g=1, b=1, 1=1, 2=1, 3=1, }
Notice it does not contain the a
or 4
keys. This is because currently only scripted buttons and scripted inputs utilize the alpha channel (transparency).
Mixed Keys
Only one type of key, number or letter, is required. If both a are present in a Table, the numeric key is ignored and only the letter key is used.
--Valid Table for red {r=1, g=0, b=0} --Valid Table for blue {0, 0, 1} --This Table would be red. {r=1, g=0, b=0, 0, 0, 1}
Values are between 0 and 1 for each key. If you are using RGB color that is in 0-255, you can use simple math to convert to the proper value.
--To display a color that is r=50, b=83, g=199 self.setColorTint({50/255, 83/255, 199/255})
You are also able to use a String in place of a color table. Using a Player Color will automatically fill in that value. It works with any of the 12 color names, as they are written on the Player Color page.
Example: printToAll("Test", "Green")
Vector is a type of Object with x, y, and z coordinates that is used to define a position, rotation or direction.
You can use the Vector class to manipulate vectors.
Example: target = Vector(1, 0, 0) + Vector(0, 2, 0):normalized()
The Table will contain the keys x
, y
, z
and/or 1
, 2
, 3
. The letter and numeric keys are equivalent.
Letter Key | Number Key |
x | 1 |
y | 2 |
z | 3 |
As an example, An Object at coordinate X=5, Y=2, Z=-1 would return this Vector
{ x=5, y=2, z=-1, }
Mixed Keys
Before Vector
was introduced, coordinate tables contained separate values under 1, 2, 3 and x, y, z keys, with letter keys taking precedence when they were different. This is no longer the case, and using letter and numerical keys is equivalent. However, when iterating over Vector components you have to use pairs
and only letter keys will be read there.
Value Range
The range of values depend on the type of Vector you are using.
Type | Description | Range |
Position | A point in space. | Any number within the bounds of the world. |
Rotation | Angle, in degrees. | -180 to 180. |
Direction | Vector direction. | -1 to 1. |
Type Details
X is right/left, Y is up/down, Z is forward/back. A positional Vector can be either world or local. Most of Tabletop Simulator's functions use world positional Vectors.
Type | Description |
World | The center of the instance is {x=0, y=0, z=0} . That is usually near the tabletop's center. |
Local | The center of the Object's model is {x=0, y=0, z=0} . The center of an Object is determined by the model's creator. |
Conversion Between World/Local
positionToWorld(...) and positionToLocal(...) can be used to convert between the two types.
X is pitch (nodding your head), Y is yaw (shaking you head), Z is roll (tilting your head).
X is right/left, Y is up/down, Z is forward/back.
A function is a section of code that can be run when triggered. In Lua, you are able to pass (use as a parameter) functions. Some elements in Tabletop Simulator can be passed functions to perform some action with, like triggering it after a delay.
To pass a function, first you must create the function. There are multiple ways to do this:
--Create it on-the-fly function() print("Like This") end --Create it with a variable name anyFuncName = function() print("Like This") end --Create it with a variable name that can also be passed parameters function anyFuncName(printString) print(printString) end
You need to pass a function, not a result of a function. So this will not work:
Wait.frames(print("Ding"), 80)
Wait.frames(function() print("Ding") end, 80)
As an example, here is Wait.frames(...) used 3 times. It waits a set number of frames and then activates a given function:
function onLoad() --Built-in functions with parameters can be called directly --This is done by wrapping the function within `function()` and `end` Wait.frames(function() print("One") end, 60) --You can also call custom functions you have made yourself --Pass them any parameters you wish Wait.frames(function() sayTwo("Two") end, 120) --If you aren't passing any parameters to the function, you can shorten it Wait.frames(sayThree, 180) end --Has its parameter passed to it function sayTwo(s) print(s) end --Does not have any parameters passed to it function sayThree() print("Three") end
Lambda-Style Expressions
You are able to replace function()
and end
with ||
, allowing for much shorter functions.
Important Tips
You create a |
, on a standard keyboard, by holding shift and pressing the key above enter (backslash).
only work for one line. So if you intend to use a multi-line function, lambda-style will not be an option.
When using ||
for a conditional function with Wait.condition(returnFunc, conditionalFunc)
, you do not need to include return.
If a parameter is passed to the return function, like with callback_function
from spawnObject(...)
, you can put a variable between the ||
characters to represent it. See the next section for an example.
Lambda-Style Example
Without Lambda-style:
function onLoad() --Spawn a deck with a callback function that triggers once deck spawns --Also, pass a reference to the spawned object spawnObject({ type = "Deck", callback_function = function(obj) printCardCount(obj) end }) --Print after 1 second Wait.time(function() print("One Second") end, 1) --Trigger a function after 2 seconds and send a parameter Wait.time(function() printString("Two Seconds") end, 2) end function printCardCount(deck) cardList = deck.getObjects() print(#cardList .. " cards.") end function printString(s) print(s) end
With Lambda-style:
function onLoad() --Spawn a deck with a callback function that triggers once deck spawns --Also, pass a reference to the spawned object spawnObject({ type = "Deck", callback_function = |obj| printCardCount(obj) }) --Print after 1 second Wait.time(|| print("One Second"), 1) --Trigger a function after 2 seconds and send a parameter Wait.time(|| printString("Two Seconds"), 2) end function printCardCount(deck) cardList = deck.getObjects() print(#cardList .. " cards.") end function printString(s) print(s) end