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System Console

The system console gives you a direct way to interact with Tabletop Simulator's settings. It can be used to automate repetitive actions, and customise your TTS experience.


The console accepts basic text input. Additionally, you may hit up arrow and down arrow to cycle back and forth through the command history, and tab to autocomplete your current command (if more than one command is possible from your current prefix then hit it a couple of times to list all matching commands). Hitting the ` key will activate the console. Hitting it again will type the character; if you would rather it deactivated the console input as well as activating it, then you can make it do that by entering this command: +console_hotkey_lock

Commands & Variables

You interact with the system console by typing commands into it. When you hit enter the command will be perform its action, and then output its results to the console.

There is a subset of the commands which have an additional property; these are called variables, and each one stores a value (in addition to behaving like regular commands). Typically these are used for the settings which govern TTS behaviour. For example, the color command is a variable; it holds the seat color you currently occupy. Typing it without any parameters will make it output its current value, while typing it with a parameter will let you set it; you could type color red to switch to the red seat, for instance. You may also create your own variables with the store_number, store_toggle, and store_text commands (or if you are familiar with programming, their aliases: float, bool, and string); these are especially useful when writing scripts.

A lot of variables are toggles: they can be either OFF or ON. For these you can set them in an additional way; by prefixing with +, -, or !. + will turn it on, - will turn it off, and ! will toggle it, changing it to the opposite of its current value. For example: +measure_in_metric will set measure_in_metric to ON, and !measure_logging when measure_logging is ON will set it to OFF (and vice-versa).

Note that some variables are persistent - this means that they will remember their value even after you close the game.

There are three commands which are extremely valuable when getting to know the console, these are:

  • commands - Lists all non-variable commands.
  • variables - Lists all variable commands and their current values.
  • help - Lists all commands, with a description of what they do.

You may specify a prefix when using these to have them filter to only commands which begin with it; for example you could type variables spectator to see the value of all commands which deal with the spectator window. Additionally, if you ask for help on a specific command it will give you a detailed description of how to use it.

You may insert variables into commands by enclosing them in { and }.  For example, typing hovered will display the GUID of the object your pointer is hovering over; spectator_camera_target {hovered} will set the spectator camera target with it.

If you start a command with the @ symbol then it will be silenced; it will not output anything to the console.


The exec command will execute a series of commands separated either by ; or by being on separate lines. Alternatively, you may use the -v parameter to execute a text variable as a script. For example, exec -v bootexec will execute the commands in the bootexec variable (there is also a run alias, which performs exec -v, so run bootexec will do the same thing). You may also pass exec a -q parameter to make it execute in quiet mode (commands being executed are not echoed to the console, but their output is).

There are two special variables: autoexec and bootexec; these are text variables which load the contents of those two files - autoexec.cfg and bootexec.cfg, respectively - in your TTS user folder (typically C:\Users\<username>\Documents\My Games\Tabletop Simulator).

autoexec will be executed every time you arrive at the main menu in TTS, while bootexec is only executed once, when TTS first starts up. Note that the game resets every time you go back to the main menu, so if you want to affect any settings / add bindings / etc you need to do it in autoexec

Example bootexec:

# Host a game for 8 players using default server name and password
host_game 8

# Load game on row 4 slot 5
ui_games_click 4 5

# Switch to system console

# Activate spectator window

Example autoexec:

# Make easier to type versions of spectator_camera_ commands.
# i.e. cam_load instead of spectator_camera_load
alias cam_* spectator_camera_*

# Set some settings

# make right control have camera follow player while held
# @ makes it not output to console
bind +right_control @+cam_follow_player
bind -right_control @-cam_follow_player

# make semicolon look at object under pointer
# need to add additional { } so hovered isn't evaluated immediately
bind semicolon cam_look_at {{hovered}}

# make period toggle object tracking, and comma set tracked object
bind period !cam_tracking
bind comma cam_target {{hovered}}

# make right shift cycle through first 3 camera positions
alias next_camera add cam_load_zero 1 3
bind right_shift next_camera

# make some buttons to load specific camera positions
ui_button 1 600   0 cam_load 1
ui_button 2 600 -30 cam_load 2
ui_button 3 600 -60 cam_load 3

Special characters

  • @ - Behaves as it does normally; prefix it to a command to silence that command.
  • @@ - Two @ in a row silences the remainder of the script; each command will behave as if it had a @ before it. @@ again will disable this effect.
  • # - At the start of a line is used for comments; the line will be ignored.
  • : - At the start of a line is used to specify a label, which may be skipped to with the skip command.
  • { and } - If you surround a variable with these then it will be evaluated during the script execution; you may add additional braces to delay evaluation. Whenever a command being executed has braces in its parameters it will either strip one layer off (if there is more than one), or evaluate the enclosed variable (if there is only one layer); e.g. {{hovered}} will become {hovered}, whereas {hovered} will become the component currently under the mouse pointer. You can see this used in the above autoexec. Another example; say you wanted a binding which could add a binding to another key. We add this line to the autoexec:
    bind right_shift bind right_control spectator_camera_target {{{hovered}}}
    When the autoexec is executed and the first bind is called, the first layer of braces will be removed, so the command bound to right shift will be:
    bind right_control spectator_camera_target {{hovered}}
    Then when you hit right shift, it will resolve so that the command bound to right control is:
    spectator_camera_target {hovered}
    Now when you hit right control while hovering over the object, the hovered object will be evaulated and passed to spectator_camera_target.

Script commands

The skip command can be used inside a script to jump forward to a label. It may not be used to jump backwards. You may give it an optional variable and then further optional comparison and value parameters: if you do it will only skip if the variable is non-zero, or the result of the comparison is true.

The wait command will pause the script for the specified number of seconds. It will always wait at least one frame, so wait 0 will do just that. This can be useful in bootexec and autoexec, as some game systems may take a couple of frames to intialize; if your commands do not appear to work then try putting them at the end of the script, after a wait.

Finally, the exit command will cause the script to stop executing.

Example autoexec:

@@ # silence script

## Set up a `private_room` variable to govern whether server is private or public

# Create scripts for each mode

store_text private_game_settings
  host_name Members Only!
  host_password foobar
end private_game_settings

store_text public_game_settings
  host_name All Are Welcome!
  host_password ""
end public_game_settings

# create variable and assign scripts
store_toggle private_room
alias +private_room exec -q -v private_game_settings
alias -private_room exec -q -v public_game_settings

# bind to key, and set to private by default
bind KeypadMinus !private_room

## Set up smart chat keybinding:
# Push to activate Team chat input if in team,
# or Game chat input if not.

store_text smart_chat
  skip :teamchat team
  skip :activate
end smart_chat

bind y @exec -v smart_chat

## Display GUID of currently held object,
# or if nothing held then currently hovered object.

store_text echo_guid_script
  skip :held grabbed
  echo {{hovered}}
  echo {{grabbed}}
end echo_guid_script

alias echo_guid exec -q -v echo_guid_script
bind KeypadEnter echo_guid

## Create key to Tap/Untap card (turn 90 degreees / set upright)
#  Use seat hand zone rotation to work out orientation.

string guid ""
float facing
float y
bool untapped

string tap_script
  # use "" so if not hovering variable will be cleared
  guid "{{hovered}}"
  skip :ok guid
  # Find hand zone facing. It faces the player, so spin it 180.
  component_examine {{color}}
  eval facing (examine_rotation.y - 180) % 360
  # Is card currently tapped?
  component_examine {{guid}}
  eval y examine_rotation.y % 360
  eval untapped !((y - 90 < facing + 10 && y - 90 > facing - 10) || (y + 270 < facing + 10 && y + 270 > facing - 10))
  # Bump card up a bit into the air (0.5 along Y axis).
  component_move {{guid}} -f - 0.5 -
  skip :tap untapped
  # Set rotation to player facing. Use `-` on X and Z axis so they are unaffected.
  component_rotation {{guid}} -f - {{facing}} -
  eval y facing + 90
  component_rotation {{guid}} -f - {{y}} -
end tap_script

bind Mouse4 @run tap_script

Some useful commands

As noted above, help, commands, and variables will let you find out everything you can do with the system console. Having said that, here is a selection of some of the more useful commands available:

  • add, subtract, and multiply will let you do simple arithmetic on a variable.  add is useful for cycling a modal variable (it has an optional third parameter which sets a modulus), while subtract subtracts the variable from the value, so is useful for ping-ponging between two numbers.
  • alias is overloaded with several functions:
    • Its basic use is to create a new name for another command, while retaining any parameters you type in. Good for making shorter names for commands you use a lot.  Use with store_text and exec to make your own commands from scripts.
    • It can also be used to attach commands to each value of a toggle variable, which will run when the variable is set to that value. You can see this in the example script above, with the private_room variable.
    • Finally, if there are a collection of commands sharing a prefix which you want to make short versions of you can use * to do so (e.g. alias cam_* spectator_camera_*)
  • append will append text to a text variable. If you only provide the variable parameter, without text, it will append the last entered command. This is useful for adding commands to autoexec; you can try the command out in the console until you get it correct, before appending it to the script.
  • bind, unbind control attaching commands to keypresses. You may use + and - before the keycode to specify if you want it to trigger on press or release, respectively. (list of Unity keycodes)
  • broadcast will broadcast the provided message.
  • chat_font_size sets the size of the font in the chat / console window.
  • clear will clear a text variable.
  • color reports/sets your player color.
  • component_examine lets you specify a component, which can then be examined with the examine_position and examine_rotation variables. If you specify a color then that seat's primary hand zone will be examined instead.
  • component_move, component_rotate, component_position, component_rotation let you apply movements to components. The first two add the specified vector to the component's current position/rotation, while the second two set it to the specified vector in world space. You may use'-' in place of a vector axis to indicate that axis is to be left alone.
  • console_hotkey_lock When enabled, locks whichever key is bound to toggling the system console, so that hitting it always toggles the console (this makes the key untypeable in text input boxes).
  • default_host_name and default_password set those values.
  • dice_roll_height_multiplier sets how high dice go when randomized.
  • displays outputs information on currently connected monitors.
  • drawing_erase_all erases all drawings.
  • drawing_render_fully_visible will cause drawings to render fully in 3d space (which is neat if you have VR)
  • echo displays its parameters in the system console.
  • edit allow you to edit a text variable with the in-game GUI (you may also do this by passing the variable the -e parameter, e.g. autoexec -e)
  • escape will display a text variable in the console, and will escape all the formatting characters (i.e. all the [ and ] characters).
  • eval sets a variable by evaluating a formula. Most arithmetic operators and functions are provided. You may also refer to vector axes, i.e. examine_rotation.y.
  • find finds a component on the table.
  • grabbed, hovered output the GUID of the component you are interacting with.
  • highlight a component.
  • host_game creates a table; you can specify single player, multiplayer, or hotseat.
  • host_name and host_password set those values for current game.
  • last is a special variable which holds the value returned from the most recent command.
  • lua executes lua code as if run by the current mod.
  • mirror_all will mirror all text displayed in every other chat tab into the system console.  This means you can always be in the system console without missing any messages.
  • quiet_mode will, when enabled, stop command names being echoed in the console. Unlike silencing commands with @, this will still display the commands' output.
  • reset will reset a persistent variable to its default value.
  • sendkey will emulate a keypress. Primarily useful for binding things to VR controllers.
  • status will display some key information about the current game. 
  • stats_monitor will display some graphs/info which update in real time.
  • team reports/sets your team.
  • ui_anchor lets you set the position on the screen which custom UI components are placed relative to. It defaults to 0,0 which is the center of the screen.
  • ui_button / ui_label / ui_toggle will add custom UI components to the screen which will, respectively, perform a command when clicked / display some text / be attached to a toggle variable.
  • ui_dialog_input will display the text entry UI, and store the typed text in last.
  • ui_games_click will click on a button on the game select UI, if it is open.  
  • ui_games_hide will hide the game select UI without clicking on anything.
  • wait is a command which can be inserted into a script to cause it to pause for some amount of time.  Useful for fudging a script to work with asynchronous commands which take some time to execute.

Commands are named with their topic first, so commands which affect the same part of the game have the same prefix. The following are some useful groups of commands: get more info on them by running help prefix_. For instance, help camera_

  • camera_ commands control the position and behaviour of the player camera (i.e. your point-of-view)
  • chat_ commands control the chat window.
  • component_ commands deal with the game components on the table. Notably the component_default_ commands let you specify what toggles new component are created with, which is useful if you are creating a lot of similar components.
  • errors_ commands handle how Lua errors are displayed.
  • jigsaw_ commands let you mess with jigsaws.
  • log_ commands control formatting of lua log calls.
  • mirror_ commands govern mirroring text from other tabs into the system console.
  • mod_ commands control various performance settings when loading mods.
  • music_ commands let you control the in-game music player.
  • say_ commands let you output messages to the chat channels.
  • spectator_ commands control the spectator view.
  • timestamp_ commands let you add timestamps to the chat channels / console.
  • tool_ commands let you check and set the currently used tool (grab, draw, etc).
  • ui_ commands deal with the game's User Interface.
  • vr_ commands perform all VR related tasks.