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Color is a type of Table that is used to define RGBA values for tinting. R for red, G for green, B for blue and A for alpha (transparency)

Besides the functions listed below, other classes can be used to manipulate colors as well.

Example Usage: orange = Color(1, 0, 0):lerp(Color(1, 1, 0), 0.5)

Check Manipulation examples for more detailed usage.


Vector and Color are the first classes to be defined in pure Lua. This means you have to use colon operator (e.g. col:lerp()) to call member functions, not the dot operator. Failing to do so will fail with cryptic error messages displayed.

Constructors summary


Every place that returns a coordinate table, like obj.getColorTint(), serves a Color class instance already - you do not have to explicitly construct it. When constructing Color instances, the .new part can be omitted, making e.g. Color(1, 0.5, 0.75) equivalent to, 0.5, 0.75).

Function Name Description Return  
Color( r,  g,  b) Return a color with specified (r, g, b) components.
Color( r,  g,  b,  a) Return a color with specified (r, g, b, a) components.
Color( t) Return a color with r/g/b/a components from source table. Same as Color(...).
Color.fromString( colorStr) Return a color from a color string ('Red', 'Green' etc), capitalization ignored.
Color.Blue Shorthand for Color.fromString('Blue'), works for all Player and added colors, capitalization ignored. Also return the color name.

Constructors examples

function onLoad()
    local red =, 0, 0)
    local green = Color(0, 1, 0) -- same as, 1, 0)

    local orangePlayer = Color.fromString("Orange")
    local purplePlayer = Color.Purple

Element access summary

In addition to accessing color components by their numeric indices (1, 2, 3, 4) and textual identifiers (r, g, b, a), the following methods may also be utilized.

Function Name Description Return  
setAt( k,  value) Sets a component to value and returns self.
set( r,  g,  b,  a) Sets r, g, b, a components to given values and returns self, alpha is optional
get() Returns r, g, b, a components as four separate values.

copy() Returns a separate Color with identical component values.


Before Color was introduced, color tables contained separate values under 1, 2, 3, 4 and r, g, b, a keys, with letter keys taking precedence when they were different. This is no longer the case, and using letter and numerical keys is equivalent. However, when iterating over Color components you have to use pairs and only letter keys will be read there.

Element access examples

function onLoad()
    local col = Color(0, 0.5, 0.75)
    col.r = 1 -- set the first component
    col[2] = 0.25 -- set the second component
    col:setAt('b', 1) -- set the third component

    print(col:get()) --> same as print(col.r, col.g, col.b, col.a)

    for colorCode, value in pairs(col) do
        print(colorCode .. "="..value) --> r=1 then g=0.25 then b=1 and finally a=1

    col:copy():setAt('a', 0.5)
    print(col.a) --> 1, because we only changed 'a' on a copy

Arithmetics summary

Color also allows you to use arithmetic operators to performs basic operations:

Operator Description Return  
 one ==  two Return true if both colors identical or within a small margin of each other, false otherwise. See also color:equals().
tostring( col) Return a string description of a color.

Arithmetics examples

function onLoad()
    local col = Color({r = 0.118, g = 0.53, b = 1})
    print(col == --> true

    -- Color : Blue { r = 0.118, g = 0.53, b = 1, a = 1}
    tostring(Color(0.118, 0.53, 1))

    --> Color : { r = 0.3, g = 0.5, b = 1, a = 1}
    tostring(Color({r = 0.3, g = 0.5, b = 1}))

Methods summary

Methods not modifying self

Method Name Description Return  
col:toHex( includeAlpha) Returns a hex string for col, boolean parameter includeAlpha.
col:toString( tolerance) Returns a color string if matching this instance, nil otherwise, optional numeric tolerance param.
col:equals( otherCol,  num) Returns true if otherCol same as col, false otherwise, optional numeric tolerance param.
col:lerp( otherCol,  num) Return a color some part of the way between col and otherCol, numeric arg [0, 1] is the fraction.
col:dump( prefix) Return a string description of a color with an optional prefix.

Other methods

Method Name Description Return  
Color.list Returns a table of all color strings.
Color.Add( name,  yourColor) Add your own color definition to the class.

Constructors details

 Return a color with specified components., g, b)

  • r: Red component between 0 and 1.
  • g: Green component between 0 and 1.
  • b: Blue component between 0 and 1., g, b, a)

  • r: Red component between 0 and 1.
  • g: Green component between 0 and 1.
  • b: Blue component between 0 and 1.
  • a: Alpha component between 0 and 1.

  • t: The table should use the r, g, b and a index.
    By default the value is 0 for color and 1 for alpha.
local red =, 0, 0)
local green = Color(0, 1, 0) -- same as, 1, 0)
local river = Color(52 / 255, 152 / 255, 219 / 255, 160 / 255)
local teal = Color({ r = 0.129, g = 0.694, b = 0.607})


If you want to use value between 0 and 255 you should divide them by 255 before construct the object.


 Return a color from a color string ('Red', 'Green' etc), capitalization ignored.


local col = Color.fromString("Blue")
print(col) --> Color: Blue { r = 0.118, g = 0.53, b = 1, a = 1 }


 Return a color from a color string ('Red', 'Green' etc).

Any Player Color or color added with Color.Add.

local color, name = Color.Blue
print(color) -- Color: Blue { r = 0.118, g = 0.53, b = 1, a = 1 }
print(name) -- Blue

local color, name = Color.Red
print(color) -- Color: Red { r = 0.856, g = 0.1, b = 0.094, a = 1 }
print(name) -- Red

Element access details


 Update one component of the color and returning self.

setAt(key, num)

  • key: Index of component (1, 2, 3 or 4 for r, g, b or a).
  • num: New value.
col = Color.Blue
col:setAt(1, 128 / 255):setAt('a', 0.5)
print(col) --> Color: { r = 0.501961, g = 0.53, b = 1, a = 0.5 }


 Update all components of the vector and returning self.

Providing a nil value makes it ignore that argument.

set(r, g, b)

  • r: New value of Red component.
  • g: New value of Green component.
  • b: New value of Blue component.

set(r, g, b, a)

  • r: New value of Red component.
  • g: New value of Green component.
  • b: New value of Blue component.
  • a: New value of Alpha component.
col =
col:set(41 / 255, 128 / 255, 185 / 255)
print(col) --> Color: { r = 0.160784, g = 0.501961, b = 0.72549, a = 1 }


 Returns r, g, b, a components as four separate values.

col = Color.Blue
r, g, b, a = col:get()
print(r + g + b + a) --> 2.648


 Copy self into a new Color and return it.

col1 = Color(1, 0.5, 0.75)
col2 = col1:copy()
col1:set(0.75, 1, 0.25)
print(col1) --> Color: { r = 0.75, g = 1, b = 0.25, a = 1 }
print(col2) --> Color: { r = 1, g = 0.5, b = 0.75, a = 1 }

Methods details

Methods not modifying self


 Returns a hex string representation of self.


  • includeAlpha: Include or not the a value. (Default true)
print( -- 1e87ffff
print( -- 1e87ffff
print( -- 1e87ff


 Returns a color string if matching this instance, nil otherwise, optional numeric tolerance param.


  • tolerance: Numeric tolerance, by default 0.01.
print(Color( 0.118, 0.53, 1):toString()) -- Blue


 Returns true if otherCol same as self, false otherwise, optional numeric tolerance param.

equals(otherCol, tolerance)

  • otherCol: The color to compare with.
  • tolerance: Numeric tolerance, by default 0.01.
print(Color( 0.118, 0.53, 1):equals(Color.Blue:copy())) -- true
print(Color( 0.118, 0.53, 1) == Color.Blue) -- true

print(Color( 0.118, 0.53, 1):equals(Color.Blue)) -- Throw errors


 Return a color some part of the way between self and otherCol, numeric arg [0, 1] is the fraction.

lerp(otherCol, fraction)

  • otherCol: The color to compare with.
  • fraction: Numeric fraction.
local pink = Color.Red:lerp(Color.White, 0.5)
print(pink) -- Color: { r = 0.928, g = 0.55, b = 0.547, a = 1 }


 Return string describing self, optional string prefix.


  • prefix: The prefix of return string.


This function returns one extra float that will be displayed in print function. This value is returned by the last gsub used in internal function.

col = Color.Blue
str = col:dump('Prefix')
print(str) --> Prefix: Blue { r = 0.118, g = 0.53, b = 1, a = 1 }
print(col:dump('Prefix')) --> Prefix: Blue { r = 0.118, g = 0.53, b = 1, a = 1 } 2
print(Color.dump(col, 'Prefix')) --> Prefix: Blue { r = 0.118, g = 0.53, b = 1, a = 1 } 2

Other methods


 Returns a table of all color strings.

data = Color.list
-- Same as
data = {
    [1] => "White",
    [2] => "Brown",
    [3] => "Red",
    [4] => "Orange",
    [5] => "Yellow",
    [6] => "Green",
    [7] => "Teal",
    [8] => "Blue",
    [9] => "Purple",
    [10] => "Pink",
    [11] => "Grey",
    [12] => "Black"


 Add your own color definition to the class.

dump(name, yourColor)

  • name: The name of the color.
  • yourColor: The color value.
Color.Add("River", Color(52 / 255, 152 / 255, 219 / 255))
local color, name = Color.River
print(color) -- Color: River { r = 0.203922, g = 0.596078, b = 0.858824, a = 1 }
print(name) -- River

Manipulation examples

Tint all object in scene in orange.

function onLoad()
    local red = Color.Red
    local green = Color.Green

    -- Get a color between red and green
    local yellow = red:lerp(green, 0.5)

    -- Make the color brighter
    yellow:set(yellow.r * 1.5, yellow.g * 1.5, yellow.b * 1.5)

    -- Get a color between yellow and red
    local orange = yellow:lerp(Color.Red, 0.5)

    -- Iterate through all scene objects and set the color tint to orange
    for k, obj in pairs(getAllObjects()) do

Tint all object in a random color.

function onLoad()
    -- Iterate through all scene objects and generate a random color
    for k, obj in pairs(getAllObjects()) do
        local colorA = getRandomColor()
        local colorB = getRandomColor()

        color = colorA:lerp(colorB, math.random(0, 1))

        -- Make the color darker or brighter
        local factor = math.random(1, 2)
        color:set(color.r * factor, color.g * factor, color.b * factor)

        -- Apply the color to object

function getRandomColor()
    local r = math.random(0, 255)
    local g = math.random(0, 255)
    local b = math.random(0, 255)
    return Color(r / 255, g / 255, b / 255)